To put PSS Systems in the limelight, Kickstart planned a thought leadership campaign focused on CGOC, the Compliance, Governance and Oversight Council founded by the CEO of PSS Systems. Kickstart helped develop and then placed byline articles by CGOC faculty and members in key publications such as Law Technology, CIO Update, eWeek, Wall Street & Technology, Pipeline & Gas Journal and Executive Counsel. In October 2010 PSS Systems was acquired by IBM, and Kickstart has continued to work with CGOC.

"Are you a Data Hoarder?," InformationWeek.

"Designing an Information Governance Program," Baseline.

"Sure Information has Value, But Don’t Forget the Risks," Computerworld (syndicated across other publications in the US and Europe).

"Archivierung & Compliance als Herausforderung," (Globalizing Records Management With a Modern Retention Schedule), DOK Magazine.

"BNY Mellon's Big Plans For Big Data," American Banker.

"Grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zwischen IT, Rechtsabteilung und Datenaufbewahrung," (Information Lifecycle Governance: How the CIO can build cross-functional relationships with the Records Management and Legal Teams).

The High Cost Of Managing Data,” Forbes.

How to Select Legal Holds Software: Five Considerations for IT," eWeek.

Legal-IT Collaboration: An Oxymoron No Longer?,” Law Technology.

"Wall Street reform & consumer protection: IG for the Dodd-Frank Act era and beyond," Wall Street & Technology.